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Self‑Help Assessment Set of 5

Self‑Help  Assessment Set of 5

Self‑Help  Assessment Set of 5 Self‑Help  Assessment Set of 5 Self‑Help  Assessment Set of 5
Product Number 2410A
Price: $89.95
Quantity Price
1-9 $89.95
10-19 $84.95
20+ $79.95

Self‑Help Assessment Set of 5

Set includes 1 pack (10 assessments) each of the following 5 titles (50 assessments in all)

Anxiety Self Help Assessment - Item # 2405
This self-help assessment is designed to help you explore how well you can: manage your anxiety, recognize your anxiety symptoms, stop your negative thinking that leads to even more anxiety, and avoid extreme anxiety before it leads to panic.

Crisis Self Help Assessment - Item # 2406
This self-help assessment is designed to help you to explore how well you: manage crises, as well as manage your attitude, stress response, and change during a stressful time.

Grief Self Help Assessment - Item # 2407
This self-help assessment will look at four distinct ways to assist you with your grief process: your story, the impact of your loss, your emotions, and your transitions.

Stress Self Help Assessment - Item # 2408
This self-help assessment is designed to help you explore how resilient you are when you encounter stress and stressful situations. It will look at four different types of strengths you can build to lower the stress in your life and reduce the impact of future stress: Mental Strength, Emotional Strength, Spiritual Strength and Social Strength.

Trauma Self Help Assessment - Item # 2409
This self-help assessment will: Help you to better understand how trauma is affecting your life, identify the symptoms, learn techniques for dealing with your trauma, and create a plan for moving on.

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