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I Feel, Feel, Feel about My Parents' Divorce Book

I Feel, Feel, Feel about My Parents' Divorce Book

I Feel, Feel, Feel about My Parents Divorce Book
Product Number 1901
Price: $10.95

I Feel, Feel, Feel about My Parents' Divorce Book

Written & Illustrated by Jane Un, M.S.

Ages 4-8. A book to validate feelings about divorce. I Feel, Feel, Feel about My Parents' Divorce helps to identify various feelings, promote validation of the feelings, and provide positive coping skills to deal with the feelings. Effectively transitioning from a parental divorce takes time, patience, and family effort. This book can help you learn more about your children, foster closer relations by understanding how they feel, and promote better communication between you and your children. This book is an initial stepping stone for a child to identify feelings, learn positive coping skills, and feel validated about their parents' divorce. Includes a "Questions" section and a "Notes to Adults" section. 16-pages, soft-cover.

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