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VA Pocket Flip Tip Book (10 Pack) Transitioning to Civilian Life

VA Pocket Flip Tip Book (10 Pack) Transitioning to Civilian Life

VA Pocket Flip Tip Book (10 Pack) Transitioning to Civilian Life
Product Number 1878
Price: $45.99
Quantity Price
1-24 $45.99
25-99 $40.99
100+ $35.99

Veterans Support Series Pocket Flip Tip Book: (10 Pack) Transitioning to Civilian Life

This Flip Tips book focuses on transitioning to civilian life. Discusses creating a plan, TAP resources, presenting your skills, going back to school, and more.

Written by military family experts in easy-to-understand language, this Pocket Flip Tips book for veterans is unique and special. The format is extremely reader friendly with easy-to-flip tabs directing the reader to the answer he or she needs in a flash. The topics were chosen from the feedback of you, our military customers so this handy book targets your most pressing issues. 16 pages, 3 1/2" x 5 1/2".

Sold in packs of 10 Pocket Flip Tips books of the same title.

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